Lamp & Light Living
Exists to share God's Word and to see His Kingdom come and His will be done. The heart behind the time invested in Lamp & Light Living is really about a lifestyle of living each day with God in our hearts and His Word as our guide. We offer free Bible studies and a variety of homeschool resources.
A growing, Bible-based homeschool curriculum with various resources to help you on your homeschool journey. With God's help, we created what we needed- a family-style homeschool curriculum founded firmly on God's Word! Currently, we offer a completely free parent-led curriculum and we are working on a video-led curriculum. The video-led curriculum will cost a small fee for the videos and the books will be completely free to download.
We are a homeschool family of six living in Alaska. We love Jesus and want to see His name lifted high. We enjoy spending time in God's creation and Alaska has been an amazing place for our family to enjoy it. Meghann is the creative content manager of Lamp and Light. Developing homeschool curriculum and Bible studies are her contributions to Lamp and Light. Chad is a former fishing guide and currently works in the oil fields. He serves behind the scenes assisting with editing and content ideas. Our 4 children, Angler, Rill, Hadassah, and Delta, join us. Our main job is raising arrows for the Kingdom and sharing our ideas and resources with you!